Thursday, March 6, 2025

Webinar Registration

VLSC1 STC Update & Michigan Equalization Gateway (MEG) Introduction

Don't forget to register for each webinar that you purchased.

Did you purchase more than one webinar?

After completing this registration, if you purchased more than one webinar,
click below to register for additional webinars.

Webinar Links & Text Downloads 

It is the responsibility of each student to download their text material.  DO IT NOW! There is no option to have MAA provide you with a printed copy.

Print your text early and avoid problems:
If you experience difficulty with your text download, please contact the MAA Webmaster or call 734-942-1324 immediately.  Do not wait until the evening before your scheduled class.  An issue with your text download at the last minute does not constitute an emergency on our part and there may not be anyone available to assist you.  DO IT NOW!  A text download link will be provided in your registration confirmation email.

Important note about text copyrights:
Webinar text materials are provided for the expressed use of students registered for that webinar. Some texts and/or contents of the text, may be subject to copyright protections and are therefore restricted to the specific use of the student for that webinar.  Providing copies or distributing these materials, sharing the download links with others, or using the materials for any purpose other than the expressed use of the paid webinar may subject you to copyright infringement prosecution and penalties.

This webinar requires pre-payment before registration.

A "Payment ID" code is required to complete this registration.  The Payment ID code can be found in the payment receipt/confirmation email your received after purchasing the webinar(s). If you have not yet purchased this webinar, please return to the webinar payment page to purchase the webinar.

If you don't have your receipt/confirmation, please contact the MAA Membership Services Coordinator.

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