Tuesday, March 25, 2025


The Durk Ashley and Mark Mullet Memorial Scholarship Funds are designed to assist members with funding for educational opportunities. The funding for these scholarships is made available by the Executive Board of the Michigan Assessors Association and private donations.

Awards/Scholarships Committee

Kim Miller, Chair
Phone: 313-320-9026
Email the Committee Chair


Do you know someone that stands out in the field of assessment administration? Now is your opportunity to nominate your colleagues in recognition of their contributions and accomplishments.

The Michigan Assessors Association recognizes persons, groups or agencies each year for outstanding contributions they have made to the assessment profession.

Submit a Nomination On-Line Print Nomination Form


Award Categories
Most Valuable Member (Ernest "Ernie' Beren Award)
MOST VALUABLE MEMBER AWARD (Ernest "Ernie" Beren Award)

This award to be presented to the MAA member who has, over a period of years made a significant contribution to the association through participation, activities, and has made an outstanding contribution to the realization of the goals of MAA.

Eligibility and Criteria:
  • Candidates must be a regular member of MAA.
  • Current officers and Executive Board NOT eligible.
  • Candidate criteria may include, but not be limited to: The candidate has served in an elected position of MAA, as a committee chair, as a contributor in MAA education, or as a speaker at MAA conferences, seminars etc.
  • The candidate has a record of distinguished publications in professional literature.
  • The candidate has been active in other assessor/appraiser organizations.
  • The candidate has served on other public related service related organizations; on national, regional, state or local government study commissions, committees etc.
Literary (Frank Moss Award)
LITERARY AWARD (Frank Moss Award)

This is to be presented to the author of articles adjudged to contribute the most toward the improvement of assessment administration.

Education (David Bone Award)
EDUCATION AWARD (David Bone Award)

This award is presented to the person who has contributed the most in the field of education as related to assessment administration.

Subscribing Member (David M. Heinowski Award)

This award is presented to the MAA subscribing member whose contribution during the past year(s) has been so worthwhile as to demand recognition. This individual's contributions may have been in the area of writing or speaking on equalization, assessment administration or general taxation. The individuals may have also distinguished themselves by contributing to the goals of the organization through the contribution of time, effort, talent, and resources to furthering the goals and objectives of MAA. The recipient shall be the outstanding MAA subscribing member who exemplifies selfless service to the field of assessment administration.

Michigan Property Tax Achievement Award

This award is given to a person or group (who is not an assessment administrator) or a public agency(which is not an assessment or revenue organization),that has made an outstanding contribution to the improvement of property tax administration and the realization of the goals of the MAA.

Distinguished Assessment Jurisdiction Award

This award is conferred on a state, county, or local assessment agency that has instituted a technical, procedural, or administrative program which is, for the affected jurisdiction, an improvement over prior programs, and which is generally recognized as a component of model assessment system and a contributing factor to equity in property taxation.

Eligibility Criteria:
Open only to government assessment/revenue agencies, which have instituted a program as described in the two years prior to nomination, the results of which have proved to be successful.

  • Public information programs are eligible for this award.
  • Programs that are eligible include, but are not limited to:
  • The agency has implemented a program of measuring/evaluating assessment performance by conducting assessment=sales-ratio studies, performance audits, etc.
  • The agency has implemented computerized/cost effective assessment procedures.
  • The agency has began a tax mapping program.
  • The agency has required tax assessor certification, continuing education, etc. and
  • The agency has created an assessment standards division to conduct performance audits, issued guidelines/manuals, provides current awareness services to professional staff, etc.
Distinguished Service Award (President's Award)

This award is presented by the MAA President to an individual or individuals that have made outstanding contributions to the association in the past year.

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Durk Ashley & Mark Mullet
Memorial Scholarship Fund

The purpose of these two funds is to assist Michigan Assessors Association (MAA) members whose employers provide no funding for education and who are financially burdened to self-fund educational opportunities.

The funding for these scholarships is made available by the Executive Board of the Michigan Assessors Association and private donations in order to provide greater opportunities for members to attend educational courses and seminars.

The funding is awarded to any MAA member who demonstrates a financial need, and intends to use the funds to complete an educational activity.

  1. The scope of the Scholarships includes STC approved courses offered by MAA, IAAO, STC and Community Colleges.
  2. The applicant must be a MAA member for whom there is no employer funding for the course on the application. A letter of verification by the employer is required.
  3. The applicant must work in a government assessing office. The applicant may work in any capacity, but must perform assessment-related functions. This requirement may be waived by scholarship committee, if the applicant is laid off from a government assessing office and provides proof.
  4. The scholarship is for tuition and test fees, not to exceed $300. The course must be STC approved, and be held within the State of Michigan.
  5. The scholarship is limited to one course (one semester) per student per year.
  6. Scholarships are not available for the MMAO Program.
  7. The student must submit proof of a passing grade or completion of a seminar for reimbursement.
  8. Reimbursements will be based on availability of funding. It is important to file your application as early as possible. Limited funds are available.
  9. The scholarship committee will review each application and notify each applicant.

You MUST file your application a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the event date that you are seeking assistance for.  Applications received less than thirty (30) days prior to the event will not be considered.

The Michigan Assessors Association does not pre-pay tuition or registration.  Scholarship funds are distributed after the applicant provides proof of attendance and successful completion of the approved program.

Scholarship Application Form

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