Thursday, March 6, 2025

Frequently Ascked Questions

Webinar Frequently Asked Questions

Education Committee

Ashley Larrison, Chair
Email the Committee Chair

Linda Stevenson, Co-Chair
Email the Committee Co-Chair


On-line Registration

With on-line registration, participants can use a credit card to pay for their course.  On-line registration ensures that you are registered and guaranteed a seat in the class.
* We accept all major credit cards.

MAA Members receive a significant savings in education and conference costs.  If you are not currently an MAA Member, consider joining now, before you register for a class, and save some money.  The cost of a one-year membership is only $95.00 and that's less than the additional fee to register as a non-member.

Educational Videos

Annual Summer Conference

Durk Ashley and Mark Mullet
Memorial Scholarship Funds

The purpose of these two funds is to assist Michigan Assessors Association (MAA) members whose employers provide no funding for education and who are financially burdened to self-fund educational opportunities.  The funding for these scholarships is made available by the Executive Board of the Michigan Assessors Association and private donations to provide greater opportunities for members to attend educational courses and seminars.  The funding is awarded to any MAA member who demonstrates a financial need, and intends to use the funds to complete an educational activity.

Scholarship Application
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Webinar Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Can non-certified individuals register for MAA Webinars?
A.  YES! Non-certified individuals may register for the MAA Webinars.  Simple enter “NONE” for Certification Number and Certification Level on the registration page. 

Q.  How do I obtain my webinar text materials?
A.  Webinar text materials are typically available for download after registering for a webinar.  The text download link is contained in your registration confirmation email.  All MAA and STC webinar texts are copyrighted.  Reproduction or redistribution of webinar texts is a violation of copyright laws.

Q.  I do not have video capabilities.  Can I still attend a MAA Webinar?
A.  Yes.  However, all webinar participants MUST be visually present on-screen during the entire webinar and MUST complete the Webinar Attendance Verification Quiz to receive a Course Completion Certificate and receive continuing education credit (Course Completion Certificates will be sent to webinar participants at the email address provided at registration).

Q.  Can we attend a webinar as a group in our office?
A. That depends.  For all continuing education webinars, participants MUST be visually present on-screen independently during the entire webinar and MUST complete the “Webinar Attendance Verification Quiz” to receive a Course Completion Certificate and receive continuing education credit.

However, for the Board of Review webinar ONLY, a township, city or county may have their Board of Review members attend the webinar as a group.  Each participant is still required to individually register for the webinar before the event.  The assessing officer watching with group participants is required to complete and certify a STC attendance form listing all participants.  Attendance forms will be sent upon request BEFORE the webinar.  Assessors registering their BOR members should keep the registration information for the members individually and distribute the material prior to the webinar for their use in their offices or homes.

Q.  Can I share my webinar link with another registered participant?
A. No.  Webinar instructions, sign-on, texts and quiz links are contained in the webinar registration confirmation email for each registrant.  Each attendee’s sign-on link is unique and should not be shared. Participants may not sign-on from more than one device per registration.

Q.  Can I get a refund?
A.  No.  MAA does not provide refunds for webinars.

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