Thursday, March 6, 2025

Join MAA

The Michigan Assessors Association is a non-profit, professional association of property tax professionals from both, the public and private sector.  Membership is open to any individual interested in the goals of the Michigan Assessors Association.


Garrett Muir, Chair
Membership Committee
Email the Committee Chair

Heather Bouck
Membership Services Coordinator

Email the Membership Coordinator

Join MAA     Download Application

Membership Categories

Michigan Assessor memberships are individual based, annual memberships which terms are from January through December.   There are three categories of membership:

Regular Membership
- Regular Membership available to any employee of any department, commission, board, bureau or agency of the state, county, city, village or township who has duties that are directly concerned with assessment administration in the State of Michigan>
Subscribing Membership
- Subscribing Membership is available to those individuals not eligible for regular membership but interested in assessment administration and the objectives of the Association.
Student Membership
- Student Membership A student member is defined as a person currently enrolled in a certification program designed to prepare the individual for certification as a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer (MCAO). The student member candidate shall petition the membership committee in writing for student membership status by submitting a paid membership application with documentation attesting to enrollment in a certification program. Individuals currently employed in assessing or equalization administration are not eligible for student membership. Student membership shall not be granted for more than one (1) calendar year. All student memberships are nonvoting, electronic memberships.
Lifetime Membership
- Lifetime Membership is available to a regular member who retired from active service in assessment administration. Within one (1) year after retirement, the member may petition the Board of Directors in writing for life membership status. This membership is only available by approval of the MAA Board of Directors.

 Important Note:  Because membership is based on individuals, memberships follow the individual, regardless of who or what agency paid for the membership.

District Map

Click to enlarge 
         Click on map to enlarge

Our Membership Base

100% Complete (success)847 Total Members
20% Complete (striped)779 Regular Members
40% Complete (warning)39 Subscribing Members
20% Complete (danger)29 Other Members
As of 02/24/2020


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MAA Membership Application
New Members

On-line Membership Payment Form

* indicates a required field.

Create a unique username between 5 to 15 characters (number and/or letter).
(enter "None" if not certified)


Membership Definitions
- Regular Membership is available to any employee of any department, commission, board, bureau or agency of the state, county, city, village or township who has duties that are directly concerned with assessment administration in the State of Michigan.

- Subscribing Membership is available to those individuals not eligible for regular membership but interested in assessment administration and the objectives of the Association.

- Student Membership is defined as a person currently enrolled in a certification program designed to prepare the individual for certification as a Michigan Certified Assessing Officer (MCAO). The student member candidate shall petition the membership committee in writing for student membership status by submitting a paid membership application with documentation attesting to enrollment in a certification program. Individuals currently employed in assessing or equalization administration are not eligible for student membership. Student membership shall not be granted for more than one (1) calendar year. All student memberships are nonvoting, electronic memberships.

- Lifetime Membership* is available to a Regular and Subscribing members who retired from active service in assessment administration. * An active member, following retirement, may petition the Board of Directors in writing for life membership status.

MAA Professional Designations*
 (CIP) Certified Instruction Professional
 (CES) Certified Equalization Specialist
 (MRA) Mass Residential Appraiser
* These boxes indicate MAA Professional Designations that you possess. If you no longer wish to maintain your designation, you can uncheck the appropriate box. Members checking any of these designation boxes will be charged a $10.00 non-refundable fee for each designation checked. DO NOT check one of these boxes if you do not possess a valid MAA Professional Designation.

Membership Fee

*We accept all major credit cards.
*A 2.5% Convenience Fee is added to all online credit card transactions by our online payment provider at time of payment.

Membership Total :
Processing Fee : *Select Payment Method*
Total Due :

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 ALL MEMBERS receive "eAlerts!" as a term of membership. "eAlerts!" are issued when the Association feel the information contained therein is of immediate importance to its subscribers. These messages are intended to alert the subscriber to an event or situation that requires immediate attention or action.

YES! I would like to receive "eNotes". "eNotes" are periodic emails containing information regarding information regarding events such as employment opportunities, educational opportunities, conference and other information of interest to members.

Terms & Conditions
By checking this box the member acknowledges that this is an 'individual' based membership and agrees not to share their membership password or secure login information with other individuals.


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