Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Michigan Assessor

Christopher Boggus, Editor
Contact the Editor

Article Submission

Article may be submitted for publication in The Michigan Assessor at any time. The author may also request the issue that he/she would like the article to appear in, however, the Editor, at his/her discretion, will have the final determination which issue the article will appear based on press time and/or space availability.

Submission Guidelines


The Michigan Assessor magazine is a bi-monthly publication. Publish dates are: January1; March 1; May 1; July 1; September 1; November 1. All ads should be sent to the Editor by the 5th of the month prior to the month of the issue to which it is to appear (i.e. December 5th for the January-February issue).

Advertising Campaigns are multi-month advertisement runs. Advertisers may submit multiple versions of advertisements to be rotated during the run of the campaign at no additional cost (see rate discounts for advertising campaigns below). Advertisements may be placed bi-monthly or on any monthly schedule requested.

 Advertising Rates:
Full Page $300.00 $225.00
1/2 Page $225.00 $150.00
1/4 Page $150.00   $100.00
1/8 Page   $75.00   $50.00
 Web Plus *  $400.00 $300.00 
* (Employment Opportunities Only)
5% discount for 6 months advance payment.
10% discount for 12 months advance payment.
1.5% added per month after billing date
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The Michigan Assessor

"The Michigan Assessor" magazine is the flagship publication of the Michigan Assessors Association.  Our magazine is published bi-monthly in digital format.  The magazine serves up a variety of articles pertaining to property tax administration, appraisal theory and techniques, appraisal tools, management and employee development, legislative issues, Michigan Tax Tribunal, Court of Appeals, and Supreme Court decisions.

Subscriptions are based on membership choice.  Anual membership fee of $95.00 membership includes 6 months of the digital, eMagazine.  Members can also view and download all past issues of The Michigan Assessor in a searchable PDF format all the way back to our beginnings in 1959.

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MAA eAlert!

"MAA eAlert!"
is an email distribution notice regarding quickly developing events and calls to action on the part of its members.  MAA eAlert! is a critical tool for keeping our members informed and is issued when the Association feels the information contained therein is of immediate importance to its members.  These messages are intended to alert the subscriber to an event or situation that requires immediate attention or action.  Members are automatically subscribed to MAA eAlert! as a part of their Membership Profile.  Archived alerts are also available for quick reference.

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