Tuesday, March 25, 2025

MAA Designation Program

Mass Residential Appraiser

Organized to improve the standards of assessment practice; to provide a clearing house for the collection and distribution of useful information relative to assessment practice; and to promote justice and equity in the distribution of the tax burden.
Michigan Assessors Association ~ P.O. Box 1126 Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48804 ~ USA
Copyright © 2025


MAA Designation Committee

Stacey Kaake, Chair
Email the Committee Chair


CIP Designation (PDF)

CES Designation (PDF)

Durk Ashley and Mark Mullet
Memorial Scholarship Funds

The purpose of these two funds is to assist Michigan Assessors Association (MAA) members whose employers provide no funding for education and who are financially burdened to self-fund educational opportunities.  The funding for these scholarships is made available by the Executive Board of the Michigan Assessors Association and private donations to provide greater opportunities for members to attend educational courses and seminars.  The funding is awarded to any MAA member who demonstrates a financial need, and intends to use the funds to complete an educational activity.

Scholarship Application
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MAA Mass Residential Appraiser

Goal of the Mass Residential Appraiser Designation Program

This designation aims to validate that Designees possess comprehensive knowledge and skills in key areas essential to effective fieldwork and assessment. Designees will demonstrate proficiency in planning and documentation, ensuring they understand the critical aspects required for successful fieldwork. They will accurately measure structures and create detailed sketches using Apex software. Additionally, Designees will thoroughly examine the Assessor’s Manual and effectively utilize and integrate it with BS&A software. They will be able to exhibit high-level insights into determining Land and ECF (Economic Condition Factor) area boundaries, exploring various methods for developing Land Values and ECFs. This designation ensures that Designees are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to perform their roles effectively, contributing to accurate and reliable fieldwork and assessments.

Mission Statement of the Mass Residential Appraiser Designation Program

The mission of the MRA is to equip professionals with the practical skills and knowledge essential for excellence in fieldwork and property assessment. Participants will focus on hands-on training in planning, documentation, measurement, and the use of industry-standard tools. Those with the MRA Designation show they are dedicated to raising the standards of professionalism and precision in property assessment practices.

Mass Residential Appraiser Designation Program Workbook

The following program workbook is expected to be completed with all attachments including assignment communications. This workbook will be used for evaluation and recommendation of the participant for the Mass Residential Appraiser Designation.

-MAA Mass Residential Appraiser Designation Workbook



Application Procedures

How to Apply

  1. Application Procedures

    1. Selection
      1. All MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designees are members of the association in good standing.
      2. All applicants for Certified Instructor Professional Designation are required to submit a detailed application to the MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee.
      3. Applicants must present proof of satisfying both of the following requirements:
        1. Five (5) years of work experience in the assessment administration profession
        2. MAAO Certification.
      4. Prior to attendance at and participation in an MAA Instructor in Training workshop, each applicant’s application will be reviewed by the MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee. Any applicant whose application reveals they have insufficient appraisal/assessment/specialty education and/or experience may be rejected.
      5. Each application coming before the MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee will have attended an MAA Instructor in Training workshop. At the Instructor in Training workshop, each applicant will have successfully completed a short oral presentation demonstrating his/her knowledge of appraisal/assessment and his/her ability to effectively teach such material.

    2. Definitions
      1. Facilitator – The facilitator’s job is to support everyone to do their best thinking. They create an environment where everyone is encouraged to participate, understand one another’s point of view and share responsibility. The facilitator will focus on the process, while the participants provide the content. The facilitator’s role is to aid the group in managing the knowledge they have to achieve the intended results.
      2. Designee – A person who has completed all of the requirements and has received the Certified Instructor Professional Designation by the MAA.
      3. MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee (CIPDC) – The ultimate responsibility of the CIPDC is to ensure that those who complete the Certified Instructor Professional Designation Program are qualified and prepared to instruct assessment administration continuing education courses.
      4. Participant – a person who has committed to participate and complete the MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation program. A person who teaches under the supervision of a “supervisor/mentor Instructor” and is learning the skills necessary to teach continuing education classes for the MAA. A participant is working toward an MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation.
      5. Supervisor/Mentor Instructor – Supervisor/mentor instructors assist student instructors in developing effective classroom management and teaching techniques. The relationship that forms between mentors/supervisors and student Instructors is professional, friendly, open, and cooperative.
        1. Must have at least three years of teaching experience and be willing to participate in professional development of MAA Instructors.
        2. Must possess MAA Instructor Designation
        3. Must have minimum MAAO Certification.
        4. Participants will abide by and endorse the current “MAA Code of Conduct” form as adopted by MAA Board of Directors. (Attachment A)
        5. Participants will abide by and endorse “Expectations of the Supervisor/Mentor Instructor” (See Attachment B).

    3. Conduct
      1. Participants will abide by and endorse the current “MAA Code of Conduct” form as adopted by MAA Board of Directors. (Attachment A)
      2. Throughout the designation program, and all teaching assignments, instructors must conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism. They will maintain an appropriate professional relationship with students attending MAA courses, both in and outside the classroom.
      3. Participants, instructors, and designees will dress professionally when representing this program and/or instructing. Appropriate attire means no jeans, business casual at the minimum. Professional attire is preferred.

    4. Maintaining MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation
      1. All MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designees, must maintain their MAA membership in good standing.
      2. All MAA I Certified Instructor Professional Designees, must maintain their STC Assessor Certification in good standing.
      3. iii. There is no tenure for MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designees. Reappointment depends on continued good teaching in the classroom and good standing with MAA.
      4. The MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee may conduct evaluations in response to complaint(s) on an instructor. Before an evaluation is conducted, the MAA Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee will review the complaint(s) and determine if the complaint(s) merits any further review.

    5. Participant Assignments
      1. After successfully completing the Instructor in Training workshop, participants will be assigned a supervisor/mentor instructor by the Facilitator.

    6. Designation
      1. When participants have completed all of the requirements of the Certified Instructor Professional Designation Program, the CIPDC will make a recommendation to the MAA Board for approval and presentation of the Certified Instructor Professional Designation at a regular MAA Board of Directors meeting.


  1. Application

    The application will be a written document formatted as a cover letter to the MAA CIPDC. A well written application letter serves as an introduction to the CIPDC. The candidate should not just rehash a resume in this letter. The candidate should market their skills, qualities, and experience. Attach the resume to the application. The application letter may be brief; however, it is an opportunity to highlight all accomplishments and add detail about the candidate and why candidate wishes to pursue the Certified Instructor Professional Designation.

    The application letter should include the following:
    1. A. Current Contact Information
      1. Full name
      2. mailing address
      3. email address
      4. phone number

    2. Work History
      How long have you been in the assessment administration profession and what positions (job titles) have you held? More importantly, what

    3. Education/training experience
      Education and training you want to highlight as it relates to assessment administration and your ability to instruct/teach others in the profession.

    4. Memberships/Designations/Licenses
      Besides your STC Assessors Certification, what other relevant memberships, designations and/or licenses do you have? (Attach a copy if applicable)

    5. Teaching Personal Statement
      Explain why you want to become an instructor and demonstrate your strengths, skills and suitability for teaching. Before drafting your teaching personal statement, think carefully about what training providers will want to know, such as:
      1. Why do I want to teach? – show that you know about the challenges and rewards of teaching. Maybe talk about any lessons you have observed/taught, what went well and how you would have improved on them. Discuss teaching styles used and the use of technology.
      2. Why do I want to teach at this level (MAA Continuing Education)? – what appeals to you, use examples of your experience with this group.
      3. What are my strengths? – Include the relevance of your education and subject knowledge.
      4. What experience do I have? – Include related work/volunteer experience such as leadership, board member of associations and/or other experiences. Give examples of how this developed your teaching skills.
      5. What personal skills/abilities do I have? – for example initiative, resilience, practical experience, creativity, time management, managing people, organizational skills, listening skills, leading or working in a team and dependability.

    6. Attachments
      1. Letters of References – Submit two letters of references from professionals who know you from work preferably in an assessment administration context who will comment on your potential development as an instructor.
      2. Resume – Attach a copy of your current resume.
      3. Certification – Attach a copy of your current STC Assessors Certification
      4. MAA Code of Conduct form – Attached a signed copy (Attachment A)

    7. Application Fee – $150 application fee is required with application and will be refunded if not accepted into the program.

      Other costs:
      • Attending classes for evaluation will be at the expense of the participant.
      • Participants will not be reimbursed for any cost incurred for participation in the program (travel expenses, time off work, etc.)
      • Participants will not be paid or reimbursed to teach the required 4-hour continuing education course (assignment #10).

      Email application with supporting documentation to the program facilitator: Shila Kiander at

Additional Requirements

  1. Interview
    The interview for the program is an opportunity for participants to meet the facilitator and supervisor/mentor instructors.

  2. Instructor in Training Workshop
    The MAA Instructor in Training Workshop is not intended to teach individuals how to instruct/teach but rather to introduce participants on the best ways to deliver training material to others.

  3. Participant Assignment #1
    All participants are expected to read the assigned book and complete a one-page summary report of what they thought about the book.

  4. Instructor Evaluation
    Each participant will evaluate three different preapproved* classes, each with different instructors teaching different subjects.

  5. Assignment #2
    After the instructor evaluations are complete, the participant must complete a 1-page (500 word minimum) summary of each class.

  6. Student Instructing
    Each participant will student instruct/teach with a supervisor/mentor instructor.

  7. Assignment #3
    After the student instructing is complete, the participant must complete a 1-page (500 word minimum) summary of the student instructor experience.

  8. Solo Instructing
    Each participant will instruct/teach an entire course (minimum of 4 hours) with your supervisor/mentor instructor observing and evaluating.

  9. Assignment #4
    After the student instructing is complete, the participant must complete a 1-page (500 word minimum) summary of the solo instructor experience.

  10. Create and Present Assignment
    Each participant will create material for a 15-minute presentation and present it in front of other participants, supervisor/mentor instructor, Facilitator, and CIPDC.

  11. Final Interview
    Final interview with facilitator, supervisor/mentor instructor and Certified Instructor Professional Designation Committee

  12. Designation Certificate Presentation
    Participants who complete the course will be presented at an MAA meeting with their Certified Instructor Professional Designation CIP.

Application Submission Options

Application for a designation may be completed online or by downloading and mailing a completed application , along with all required documents and application fee.

Option 1 - Submit Application Online

Online Submission Form

Option 2 - Download and Sumit a Designation Application

CIP Downloads
Download Application Procedure Documentation
Application & Supporting Documents
Application Fee Form
MAA Code Of Conduct


Questions regarding MAA Professional Designations can be directed to the Designation Chair, Stacey Kaake by email or 810-237-2401.

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