Request for Proposals
Assessing Services
City of Mt. Pleasant
The City of Mt. Pleasant is requesting qualifications and proposals for Assessing Services. The City is required to have an Assessor of record that is a certified MAAO (3). This complex position is appointed by the City Commission and reports to the Director of Finance. The contractor works closely with other City departments to develop and maintain accurate and timely property value information for tax purposes, and to serve as a focal point linking many aspects of the City’s property-related information systems.
The City of Mt. Pleasant’s equalized value is $581,372,696 and there are approximately 6,406 parcels.
Property Class |
Parcel Count |
Residential |
4,347 |
327,931,384 |
Commercial |
751 |
216,399,298 |
Industrial |
24 |
10,276,571 |
Personal Property |
973 |
26,765,443 |
Exempt |
311 |
- |
Total |
6,406 |
581,372,696 |
During 2024, the City had the following statistics:
- March BOR – 53
- July BOR – 1
- December BOR – 2
- MTT – 9
The AMAR review of the City was last conducted in 2022 with a perfect score.
The City utilizes BS&;A software for all assessing, tax and accounting functions. The city will provide the contractor access to BS&A software while in the Mt. Pleasant office and offsite. The contractor will provide any offsite tools and equipment.
Mt. Pleasant is located in the geographic center of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula and the area population officially stands at 21,688. Being the home of Central Michigan University, the city is in the unique position of a significant amount of the land being non-taxable.
Scope of Services to be provided
Assessor of Record
- Minimum of 16 working hours per week on site at City Hall and/or in the field
- Respond to inquiries from the public, title companies, real estate agents, and other parties regarding assessing issues. Answer telephone calls and respond to walk-in requests with information.
- Plan, supervise, and participate in the appraisal, re-appraisal, and assessment of all real and personal properties in the City in accordance with state law
- Maintain all of the City’s assessment rolls, including ad valorem, specific tax rolls, and special assessments in order to ensure compliance with state law
- Track captured values in the tax capture districts (DDA) (4) and Brownfields (8)
- In consultation with City’s Planner and DPW Director, perform land division and combinations as necessary, complying with the State’s Land Division Act and local ordinance, including attendance of the Board Meeting necessary for this action.
- Analyze property sales of all property classes within the City to determine property values and appropriate assessment adjustments, including vacant land values
- Update and appraise all new construction to determine true cash value and establish new property assessments
- File all necessary State and County reports pertaining to the Assessment and Tax Rolls
- Attend City Board and/or Board of Review meetings on an as needed basis, including the annual Citizen’s Academy Session.
- Coordinate scheduling of the Board of Review meetings at City Hall and prepare the public notices for posting by the City Clerk
- Complete Apex land and building footprint sketches for all real properties in the City
- Maintain parcel and tax maps, including coordination with the City and County GIS system
- Act as the City’s liaison in communicating with the public and other governmental agencies on assessing issues, including the County Equalization department
- Represent the City in defense of existing and future assessment appeals to the Small Claims division of the Michigan Tax Tribunal, and the full Michigan Tax Tribunal
- Coordinate with the City’s attorney in the defense of these appeals
- Prepare changes to the roll based on decisions of the Board of Review and/or Michigan Tax Tribunal
- Manage/coordinate AMAR review, responses and implementation matters
- Keep the property record field cards up-to date, including pictures or sketches
- Print and send annual assessment notices
- Process all Principal Residence Exemptions (PREs), rescissions, and Property Transfer Affidavits and Transfer Deeds
- Process Personal Property Statements, including conducting an annual inspection to ensure an up-to-date list of personal property
- Perform onsite inspections in order to annually re-appraise 20% of the real properties of each class (residential, commercial, industrial), and to determine the value of any new construction
- An audit of all non-profit organizations to ensure compliance with State and Federal taxing laws
Proposal Specifications
The proposal shall include a statement of qualifications. The statement should include the name, address, and brief history of the Company. The statement should also identify and describe the qualifications of the primary points of contact for the City as it pertains to the execution of services. Proposal must be signed by a responsible agent of the Company and must be valid for 120 days.
In the proposal, please provide the following information:
- Name, address, telephone number, and certification level of the person to be named as the Assessor of Record to the City.
- Name, address, telephone number, and certification level of chief executive of the Company
- Name, address, telephone number, and certification level of primary Company contact (if other than chief executive and Assessor of Record)
- Number of years the Company has been in business
- Brief history of the Company and specialty areas
- Experience of the Company in contracting with local units of government
- Local units of government currently contracted
- Local units of government contracted in the past
- Staff who will be assigned to City matters, including summary of qualifications, title, specialty, years of experience, and expected role
- STC certification certificates of those individuals providing said services
- Michigan Tax Tribunal experience of staff who will be assigned to City matters
- The name, address and telephone number of three references.
- Any additional data which may be helpful in the selection process
- Bid amounts for the following options for scope of services
- Assessor of Record & Inspections
- Assessor of Record
- Inspections
- Frequency of payment
Any questions relative to the scope of services must be submitted by e-mail to lpavlowski@mt-pleasant.org. Questions must be received by March 26, 2025. Answers will be posted as questions arereceived on bidnetdirect.com.
It is the responsibility of the bidders to check the website for new questions and answers prior to submitting bids. The names of vendors submitting questions will not be disclosed.
As stated below, proposals are due by 1:30 p.m., on April 1, 2025. It is the intent of the City to interview the highest-scored firms by April 14, 2025, and develop a contract with that firm deemed most qualified by April 21, 2025, to be approved by the City Commission on April 28, 2025. These dates are not final and may change depending on the best interests of the City of Mt. Pleasant.
Submittal Instructions
Qualifications Based Selection – The City of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, is requesting sealed bids at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 320 W. Broadway, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858, until 1:30 p.m. (local time), on April 1, 2025, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. Please make sure the sealed bid envelope clearly states the project you are bidding on (2025 Assessing Services). Bids must be received by the City Clerk’s Office by 1:30 p.m. on April 1, 2025.
Insurance Requirements
The advising firm shall not begin any work under any contract until it has obtained the required insurance, and the City of Mt. Pleasant has approved such insurance. The successful firm shall not allow any subconsultant to commence work on its contract until all similar insurance required of the consultant has been so obtained and approved. Insurance requirements include:
- Workers Compensation Insurance including Employers Liability Coverage in accordance with all applicable statutes of the State of Michigan.
- Commercial General Liability Insurance on an “occurrence basis” with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limit, personal injury, bodily injury and property damage.
- Professional Liability Insurance for the life of the contract with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limits, and errors and omissions.
Evaluation Criteria
The proposals will be evaluated by the Finance Director, City Clerk, and City Manager. The proposals will be evaluated based on professional qualifications, prior experience, organizational fit and fee proposal. The top proposal will be invited for an interview with the proposal committee and the Human Resources Director. The City Manager will make a recommendation to the City Commission for appointment of the City Assessor as required by City Charter.
The total fee proposal may be adjusted after negotiations with the City and prior to signing a formal contract, if justified. If the City of Mt. Pleasant and the successful firm cannot agree on a firm cost, the City will solicit a fee from the next highest-scored firm. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive any irregularities in the proposals, and to select the proposal considered most advantageous to the City.