Membership Services Provider
The Michigan Assessors Association (MAA) is seeking proposals for a Membership Services Provider (The Contractor) for a to fulfill the current contract until December 31, 2025 with an extension possible, commencing June 1, 2025.
The Michigan Assessors Association Membership Services Coordinator provides general, membership, accounting, education, and conference services as detailed below.
General Provisions
1. The Contractor must be very proficient in the use of a MAA designated accounting software (Intuit QuickBooks) and possess the skills necessary to modify and maintain an appropriate chart of accounts, create, and modify reports, forms, invoices, and queries and be capable of using the program to export data in various formats.
2. The Contractor shall provide, at the Contractor’s expense, such office equipment as necessary to fulfill the terms of this agreement including but not limited to computer equipment and software (excluding Intuit’s QuickBooks). The contractor will be responsible for the safekeeping of the data and shall perform such backups of the data and maintenance on the equipment necessary to protect the data. In addition, a monthly backup of data shall be performed and stored with the MAA Secretary.
3. The Contractor shall use and be proficient with software required by MAA to maintain compatibility with other MAA computer operations including, importing, exporting, and parsing data. The current requirements are Microsoft Excel, Word, and QuickBooks Online. At the expiration/termination of this agreement all data and supporting files associated with this contract shall be turned over to the MAA Board of Directors, or their designated agent, in a format acceptable to the Board. Database and financial information related to this agreement shall not be used or transmitted to a third party, except for members of the Board of Directors, without prior written approval from the Board of Directors.
4. The Contractor shall maintain a permanent single mailing address for the Michigan Assessors Association. Contractor shall also maintain a dedicated phone for MAA purposes only, line at the Contractors Expense. The Contractor must stay up to date with the details of MAA activities to provide appropriate general information to callers. The Contractor will forward the members specific questions to the appropriate committee chairperson for additional information as needed.
5. All records are subject to audit by a party designated by the MAA Board of Directors at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the designee and the Contractor. Records that pertain to the overall MAA annual audit will be forwarded as requested. 6. The Contractor will make bank deposits for transactions covered by this agreement and will not hold funds to be deposited for longer than ten (10) business days or as necessary. The Contractor shall not hold Association funds exceeding $20,000 without depositing the funds.
7. Requests for information from current activity reports will be produced within three (3) working days for the MAA Board of Directors in conjunction with the appropriate MAA Committee Chair for the activity. Requested reports that need to be created will be provided within fourteen (14) Calendar days.
8. The Contractor will be bonded for $20,000 at the expense of MAA.
Membership Services Requirements
9. The Contractor will provide Membership Services as outlined below:
9.1 Maintain the Association’s designated on-line membership database for all membership categories.
9.2 Electronically send Notice of Dues in a format set by the MAA Membership Committee in December, apart from Honorary and Complimentary memberships. Past due notices will be mailed, via the United States Postal Service, in January of each year.
9.3 Receive and review membership applications for completeness for all membership categories and enter/update all membership data from the application into the membership database including any other information deemed appropriate by the MAA Membership Committee. For new members not using the Association’s website application, the Contractor shall initiate electronic welcome letters to new members within five (5) days of membership activation.
9.4 Enter all payment information into the accounting program and process deposits as outlined in item 6 and shall be responsible for the collection of correct dues from all membership categories and send the appropriate follow-up letter and/or invoice on any questionable item on the application. The Contractor shall process a credit memo and forward it to the Treasurer when a member overpays and expeditiously identify and forward all membership problems to the MAA Membership Chair.
9.5 Provide monthly reports to the MAA Board of Directors containing the number of members renewed, added, dropped, and reinstated. These reports will be forwarded to the MAA Secretary in a timely manner so they can be included in the Board of Director monthly agenda packets prior to the monthly meetings, as required by the MAA Secretary.
9.6 Work with the Membership Committee as deemed necessary to maintain the membership database.
9.7 Provide related membership services as determined by the MAA Board of Directors.
Accounting Services Requirements
10. The Contractor will provide Accounting Services as outlined below:
10.1 The Contractor must be well versed in accounting practices and the use of the required accounting program. The Contractor must be able to customize the program, maintain a chart of accounts using standard accounting practices to properly maintain al income and expense data and reports and assist the Treasurer in using the accounting program appropriately.
10.2 The Contractor will enter all deposits and deposit details from contracted services and received from the MAA Treasurer in the format specified in item 6.
10.3 The MAA Treasurer shall transmit all cash and checks to the Contractor to be certain all transactions are included in the Contractors accounting data. The Contractor shall assist the Treasurer tin reconciling monthly bank statements as needed to ensure balancing prior to developing the monthly reports for the MAA Board of Directors.
10.4 The Contractor shall prepare and deliver to the MAA Treasurer invoices and requests for payment as necessary to process accounts payable in a timely fashion but not less than monthly.
10.5 The Contractor shall work with the treasurer at the beginning of the year to develop all appropriate processes. The contractor shall also work with the Treasurer to produce reports for the auditors at year-end.
10.6 The Contractor shall produce accounting reports for the MAA Board of Directors and/or Committee Chairs as requested. Education
Registration Services Requirements
11. The Contractor will provide Education Registration Services as outlined below:
11.1 The Contractor will verify the membership status of all Education Registrants to be certain the appropriate fees are collected.
11.2 The Contractor shall receive education registrations and post appropriate items and account numbers using the required accounting program for accurate reporting to the Education Services Coordinator. Recorded items should include all information collected on the registration form.
11.3 The Contractor shall invoice registrants for incorrect fees, late fees, and billing fees. The contractor shall also process requests for credits or refunds in accordance with the policy established by the Education Committee. The Contractor shall print Credit Memos and forward such Memos to the Treasurer who will process refund checks.
11.4 The Contractor shall process deposits regularly as outlined in item 6.
11.5 The Contractor shall print an update class count report for the Education Services Coordinator or their appointed representative no later than the Friday prior to the start of class and/or as requested.
11.6 The Contractor shall make every attempt to answer all education related questions and will refer more difficult questions to the Education Services Coordinator or their appointed representative.
11.7 The Contractor shall follow up on all open invoices and advise the Education Services Coordinator when invoices are 30 days past due.
11.8 The Contractor shall produce monthly reports for the MAA Board of Directors of revenues received for each educational event.
11.9 The Contractor shall assist with producing final Education reports for the MAA Board of Directors as requested. Conference
Registration Services
12. The Contractor shall provide Conference Registration Services as outlined below:
12.1 The Contractor shall verify the membership status of all Conference Registrants to be certain the appropriate fees are collected.
12.2 The Contractor shall receive conference registration fees and post the appropriate items and account numbers using the required accounting program for accurate reporting to the Conference Chair.
12.3 The Contractor shall invoice registrants for incorrect fees, late fees, and billing fees. The Contractor will advise the Conference Chair when it is necessary to collect fees from participants prior to the start of the conference and shall be on site for the start of the conference at the request of the Conference Chair.
12.4 The Contractor shall process requests for credits or refunds in accordance with the policy regarding Conference refunds. The Contractor shall print Credit Memos and forward such Memos to the Treasurer who will process refund checks.
12.5 The Contractor shall process deposits regularly as outlined in item 6
12.6 The Contractor will produce an updated count report for the Conference Chair, or their appointed representative as requested.
12.7 The Contractor Shall enter all data collected on the conference registration form into the conference database for the purpose of generation attendee lists, nametags, and related reports.
12.8 The Contractor shall make every attempt to answer all conference-related questions and will refer more difficult questions to the Conference Chair or their appointed representative.
12.9 The Contractor shall assist with producing the final conference report for the MAA Board of Directors.
12.10 If requested, the Contractor shall develop conference registration materials as determined by the Conference Chair.
Interested parties should submit resumes, qualifications, and compensation requirements to Elizabeth Tobias at liz.tobias@delhitownshipmi.gov. Questions regarding this position should also be directed to Elizabeth Tobias at 517-694-1502.
Submission Deadline is April 11, 2025.
Interviews to be held at the MAA Executive Board meeting on April 21, 2025, at Delta Township Hall.
Membership Services Provider (RFP)